Weekend Writing Challenge: A Weekend Retreat

A journal opened with the handwritten pages fanning outwards on a rough hewn wooden table next to a pen and teacup.

Since a good amount of my writing happens on the weekends, I’ve been thinking through giving myself a writing challenge for Saturday. After noodling around some ideas, I decided it would be fun to plan out my perfect at-home writing retreat.

I currently have quite a few writing advice books floating around the house. So, I’ll probably read a bit of Save the Cat (for novels) or Chuck Wendig’s new book Gentle Writing Advice.

I do have a rough schedule for my day:

7:00 a.m.: Wake up, walk the dogs
7:30 a.m.: Write at the local coffee shop
10:00 a.m.: Drive to the library and run errands
12:00 p.m.: Home for lunch
1:00 p.m.: Moar writing
3:00 p.m.: Check out Pride and the pool
5:00 p.m.: Dinner
7:00 p.m.: PM Writing
9:00 p.m.: Unwind for the night

If this were a retreat away, I would have more time for writing and seeing the sights, but as this is a stay-home affair, it will be a bit more subdued.

This is the schedule I mean to keep to every weekend, but because I generally don’t have an official structure, what usually ends up happening is I write at the coffee shop in the morning and then for a couple hours before bed and wish I’d done more. We’ll see if this schedule is too demanding (as I have a demanding full-time job during the work week) or if having the added structure helps me keep to my goals.